// is_visiable , expiration_data =====> added to this model package // points of advertising of add will depend of area_id or city_id or government_id or country_id // add country_id at register // make advertise at his country // when admin reject ad points of ad returned to user // add icon to questions model && and flag to check if answer of this question appeared at cover or not // add payment type at listing table ===> in case sale then select (( cash , installment )) in case rent then select (( one payment , two payments , three payments ,four payments )) // remove التمويل و النوع and add answers when he change category of filter page ------------ new updates // make search result of search page absolute // add my questions discussions as a tab for authenticated user // make images and info for country , city , government , area // details of post , answers of questions disccussions , packages , notifications , areas details , merchant balance // questions from NeighbourhoodController index data of $governments_data is not right at case not authenticated best question at government city // ad is_default at table currencies // remove curreny_id from packages 1- remove header form home page 2- add water mark for every image uploaded 3- reset api 4-